2020 |
Wink started training for flyball Spring of 2010, and was in her first
race Sept. 2010 earning her FD. Wink has competed in 44 weekend
tournaments in Region 19, plus many tournaments outside of Region 19.
She has earned her Onyx, and Iron Dog. She is a crowd favorite at the
demos, and is one of the most reliable dogs a team could ask for; never
missing a jump, or dropping a ball. At 12 yrs old, she is currently
spending her time training new dogs how to play flyball, and looks
forward to being back in the lanes in 2021.
With her grey whiskers and big smile, Wink represents the heart &
passion of a flyball dog.
2019 |
Launch Flyball is pleased to nominate Frostbite's Dicey Diva, "DD", for
Region 19 2019 MVP. DD is an extraordinary competitor and height dog.
She began representing our region on August 16, 2014 and has competed in
88 tournament days to date, accumulating 32,780 points and 10 titles.
DD has consistently shown the heart and competitive spirit that
hallmarks the best flyball dogs and has contributed significantly to
Launch's club and regional records, and 3 official and 1 unofficial
Regional Championships. Fearless in every competition, DD will run in
any position and for any handler and has well-represented Region 19 over
the past five years. On behalf of all the great dogs and handlers she
has raced with over the past year, we feel she is very deserving of MVP
2018 |
like to nominate Axl Rose for Region 19 MVP. Axl, who is sadly retiring this
year, has been a force in our region for many years. She is a flyball machine
who can be run by anyone, with anyone, and in any position. She never missed a
step- never even so much as bobbled a ball- in all they years I have known her.
She has been thrown in as emergency backup and has been the consistent,
experienced dog on too many green teams to count, sometimes even running full
time on 2 teams. She has been used to teach many new dogs, as well, outside of
tournaments. |
started racing in 2010 at 2 years old. He has competed in the 3 states of
Region 19 plus others. He was one of the original woofers and provided speed
for the team. We nicknamed him "Obi-Wan Kenobi" due to he was
"our only hope". Boogie loves the sport so much that he can run with
any handler, and has even traveled to a few tournaments with others when Scott
could not attend, (so that the Woofers could make time). When we recruit new
students, Scott would allow them to run Boogie, and they became hooked.
Sometimes a new handler would get frustrated and feel like dropping out, they
would run Boogie, get excited and hang in there and finish training their dog.
Boogie even got Scott's wife sold on the sport! Boogie received his Onyx June
2018, and will receive his Iron Dog at the next tournament. He is a great
example of the "passion & joy of flyball". |
2017 |
Maggie McFly, a
rescued Jack Russell Terrier, has been racing since 2008. She represents
the Woofers as the mighty, fun loving, string cheese eating, height
dog. She has traveled & competed in the 3 states Region 19 consists
of (plus a few more) and earned her Iron Dog & Onyx early in 2017.
Her joy for the sport is evident and she became a demo favorite –
showing off flyball at local schools, 4H demos, Meeker Sheepdog
Championships, Cabellas, Strang Ranch Herding Championships, Scottish
Fest games even the local news! People watch her barking, how she can't
wait to run, and they want their dogs to experience the excitement she
displays. She continues racing & helping the growth of flyball in
Western Colorado. |
2016 |
When Aly first adopted Clem, she was terrified of everything and flyball
helped her find her confidence. She's known in the Region for barking
sass all the way down the lane. She will run in any position and has
assisted in the training of dozens of new flyball dogs on the fine art
of passing. Shortly after CanAm 2015, Clementine came up lame in her
left rear leg. X-rays showed osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and the decision
was made to amputate her leg. With a tournament just six weeks away
the club was scrambling to find a replacement - assuming her flyball
career was over. The surgeon had no doubt she would be back in the
lanes and to everyone's surprise (including her owner's), she was able
to run in that tournament - and only a half second slower than she had
run 7 weeks prior at CanAm, and with no errors! Aly and Clem are two
regular faces in Region 19 and Clem's enthusiasm is loved by all the
meet her!
She is currently enjoying partial retirement and still competing (very
lightly) in flyball, agility and nosework.
I is my honor and privilege to nominate Clementine as Region 19's MVP! |
2015 |
Launch Flyball is pleased to nominate Maggie for Region 19 2015 MVP.
Maggie, the destroyer of pinatas and height dog extraordinaire, began
representing the region on September 4, 2005, and achieved Iron Dog
status on Dec 13, 2014. Still active, she has to date accumulated 19
titles and 80,851 points racing in 11 states on more than 200 tournament
days. These achievements are rare for any dog, especially for a Boston
Terrier, but her heart, easy-going manner, and competitive spirit truly
capture what flyball can be for any dog. Fearless in every competition,
she became the #1 Boston Terrier in NAFA on April 30th, 2011, a position
she holds to this day. Maggie has well-represented Region 19 over the
past decade and, with great regard to all the wonderful dogs and
handlers she has raced with, we feel she is very deserving of MVP
recognition. |
Trinket is a 10.5 year old Papillon with big dog attitude! This little
girl loves flyball and can trash talk with the best when she is ready to
run. Trinket was formerly a therapy dog but found it a bit boring for
her fast paced life. She is "Little Miss Reliable" and runs her heart
out for the team. Trinket was diagnosed with Addison's Disease in April
2007 (less than a year after her first tournament), but continues to
amaze everyone by still actively competing in flyball over seven years
later. Trinket was the first Papillon in Region 19 to hit 40K and next
tournament she'll get her Iron Dog. She is also currently the #5 NAFA
ranked Papillon! |

Willow is the Postal Service of Flyball in Region 19. Come rain, snow,
sleet or hail, she will find a way to play the game. When she first
started playing Flyball, she was so enthusiastic she would rerun
herself. Now, she can run anywhere, anytime, on any team by any handler!
She is a reliable height dog, and at the age of 12 years old and only
12" tall, she can still run 5.6 seconds. Anyone that knows Willow
outside of the lanes knows she is a sweet, timid, submissive dog (not a
typical JRT), but you wouldn't know that by watching her lunge and bark
in the ring. She's a point and shoot dog...just hold tight until it's
her turn to run. She has run on MANY teams and has traveled to multiple
regions, helping them earn points and win divisions, as their sole
height dog. Willow has run on 60 different teams with 5 different clubs
within the region. Willow is the highest pointed dog in Denver Speed
Demons with over 60,000 points, which is a huge accomplishment for such a
little dog and a testament to her dedication. She gives 110% for the
love of the sport. |
Mickey was the first Wyoming flyball dog in Region 19 and is the highest
scoring dog from Wyoming. Without Mickey, there would no organized
flyball in Wyoming. AKA "the world's tallest border collie", he is a
mix of Border Collie and Borzoi, making him large and striking in
appearance. He is a joy for spectators to watch and is known by
flyballers all across the country. Along with his cheerful personality,
his desire for attention and his absolute love of flyball make him a
wonderful ambassador for Region 19 and for NAFA flyball. Mickey
received his Onyx in late 2008 and just passed the 30,000 point mark.
Mickey can rightly be considered Region 19's own boy, because with such a
small club as HITWG, we have called upon individuals from nearly every
club in the region to run Mickey at one time or another. On the rare
occasion he has been released while already holding a ball, his antics
at deciding between two tennis balls at the box are highly entertaining.
Hey Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey
Mickey! |
Cutter was an ALL AROUND great flyball dog. He would never let you down. He was always fun to watch at tournaments.
Daisy Mae is a spunky miniature
schnauzer that lets everyone know when it is her turn to race. Daisy Mae
started racing in 2005. Although Daisy Mae was not sure about flyball at
first, she decided the sport was for her. Over the years, Daisy Mae has
helped train many of the RUFF dogs. She can run in any spot and pass any dog.
Daisy cheers her dog teammates on while waiting for her turn and scolds them
if they crowd the lane. The little gray dog wins the hearts of audiences
everywhere she goes and you will hear them cheering “ Go Daisy Go” |
Cassi and Jessica started playing
flyball together eight years ago. She was one of the first two dogs that
started D.E.O. Speedwaggin' back when RUFF was the only Flyball club in
Colorado. Flyball helped Cassi overcome her shyness and find a way to
compete and stay busy. Her very first tournament was in Mesquite, Texas
jumping 16 inches with a skeleton crew of three other dogs, five people
and a borrowed flyball box. This tournament got Cassi and Jessica hooked
on flyball. They have been great role models and wonderful additions to
the sport of flyball in Colorado.Throughout the years, Cassi has been a
consistent start dog but also a dog that can run anywhere in the line
up. She has run on some of our region's fastest teams, including
the team that held the Region 19 speed record of 17.023 for the past two
years. She also helped DEO Speedwaggin' achieve Regional
Champions 2006 and 2007. Currently, Cassi still enjoys competing with
the Denver Speed Demons at the age of ten. Although she does not
run as much as she used to, she is a consistent Veteran still capable of
running 4.2s.
Digit has been in flyball for over five years and
lives for this sport. She can run in any position, for any person, and
supports her team with an endless love of flyball. Digit is a speed dog
on her team and has helped many a slower dog earn their titles. She has
also ran in Division I (in Region 3 and 19) to help win the regional
championship. She was even the height dog at 13 inches (especially
needed when the jumps were 16 inches tall) for years and is still
commonly used as a height dog on her team. Digit has been used to train
many beginner dogs and handlers with her perfect consistency. She has
traveled all over the US and Canada to compete and is currently the top
pointed dog in region 19 and working her way to her Hobbes title.
Overall, Digit has been the perfect flyball dog for her handler and
Shelby, a 7yr old Rescued Shetland Sheepdog, started
Flyball in early 2003. Shelby and MariAnne had a weekly 4-hour
drive over the Rockies (Grand Junction to Denver) for their beginning
training with D.E.O. Speedwaggin